It's a balmy 48 degrees up in this business today. By "this business" I mean the house.
Fire time.. booyah!
I will now boil tea atop the wood stove. After chopping the wood, to make the fire to boil the tea, the feeling of drinking that tea I boiled with my own competence will be tremendous. Not only that but I will pour my tea into an empty bourbon bottle which gives me all the guilty pleasure of feeling like an alcoholic without the severe entropic side affects.
Now lets get down to business!
So this wonderful literary agent Kathleen Ortiz of the famed Never Ending Page Turner blog and Neo Agent Podcast is having the big bang of all blog contests. A contest of such epic proportions it incited me to get a twitter account.
Now this bloomin onion of all blog contests is not just a single serving of magnificence! Good lord no, that would be paltry and feeble! It is a raging 12 day event of glorious Christmas spirit. Today is the eighth day of awesome so if my maths is correct we done got FO MO days of solid Christmas joy to look forward to!
(Read the following in a Mayor Quimby from the Simpsons voice) So get out there and enter that contest!
I do believe I hear the tea boiling so I will now go suckle from the teat of my competence.